Real Estate Business (Real Estate)

The Property Law is the branch of private law related to the real estate and the issues that permeate it,  such as, possession and enjoyment of real estate, acquisition or loss, lease, possession, adverse possession, condominium, financing, donation and assignment of rights, right to build, neighborhood right and formalities for registering properties. Among the Brazilian legal landmarks most important for real estate, there are: the Brazilian Civil Code (in its chapters of Property Law), the Law 8.245/91 (which deals with the Leasing of Urban Real Estate), Law 4.380 / 64 (the Financial System Act Housing), Law 6015/73 (Public Records Law), Law 13,465 / 17 (Law establishing the REURB) and the Consumer Protection Code. Given the complexity and diversity of real estate activities, we operate with a broad view of the specific and general requirements of each case. We offer counsel of excellence in the development of: various types of contracts; when investigating the situation of the real state property at the appropriate public bodies; in the dismemberment of areas and settlements; in legalization of real estate acquired in inventories; in revisional and renewals actions of rentals; in indemnity legal actions for construction defects and delivery delay; mandatory award legal actions; adverse possession actions; civil liability actions by builders and developers; property regularization actions; as well as eviction actions. We also act in cases involving REURB (Urban Regularization), which is a set of legal, urban, environmental and social measures aimed at regularizing informal urban centers in the event of particular interest. Our specialized team seeks to provide service with personality and objectivity to achieve the solutions for each client in the fastest and most successful way possible.