The purpose of this Office Fiaux and Lawyers Code of Ethics and Conduct is to present the firm’s fundamental guidelines, determining its form of action within the ethical principles of law, as well as stipulating and stimulating ethical values in the relationship between partners, associates, employees, partners, suppliers, employees and public agencies and customers.

  1. SCOPE

This Policy covers all employees, as well as all the public participating in our chain of operations, who must adopt an ethical, clear and objective conduct, honoring the principles of honesty and integrity, not adopting postures or attitudes that may compromise the image, reputation and interests of law firms and lawyers.

  1. TERM

This Policy becomes effective on 11/20/2017.



The Code of Conduct is an important part of the Internal Rules of the Firm and Lawyers and must be interpreted by all members, including, but not limited to, interns, lawyers, partners and administrative employees, as an auxiliary tool during professional activities, acting as a driver of everyone’s conduct.

The reputation and image of the Firm and Lawyers, when we perform our duties on a daily basis, are inseparable from the conduct of each one of us. All members are expected to avoid conflicts of interest, protect the Office’s assets and respect their missions and values, acting in a clear, objective, loyal, legal and ethical manner.

Compliance with this Code of Conduct should be the personal and exclusive responsibility of each member of the firm.

The Office encourages any and all proactive conduct in identifying improvements or reporting violations.

This Code contains the parameters of the guidelines that must be respected and followed by all members of the Firm and Lawyers, under penalty of disciplinary actions, such as termination of the employment contract, in addition to civil and criminal implications.



Transparent Management

The interests of the Office must be above personal interests.

All members must collaborate in providing accurate information, facilitating the verification of facts and the adoption of accurate and transparent decisions.

Communications must contain appropriate, professional, complete, objective and clear language, whether written or verbal.


The Firm and Lawyers do not tolerate and will not tolerate corruption, regardless of the reason, modality or jurisdiction. All members are prohibited from offering any undue advantage to public agents, directly or indirectly (including through an intermediary), which could constitute a legal infraction or put the Office’s image and reputation at risk.

The Firm undertakes not to make, directly or indirectly, any contribution or donation to political parties or politicians, under any circumstances.


The hiring of professionals to carry out legal opinions, expert reports, performance in various counties and travel agencies must be careful, always ensuring the reputation and image of the Office.

All signed contracts must be duly filed, as well as any and all communication exchanged with contracted third parties. They must also contain a specific clause requiring compliance with ethical and behavioral principles, expressly mentioning the prohibition of any act harmful to national or foreign public administration.


Offensive behavior among Office members will not be tolerated, nor will it be discriminatory based on race, sex, color, national origin, religious or sexual orientation. Everyone has the right and must preserve the professional environment in a healthy and harmonious way.


Confidential information is any information that is not subject to public disclosure and has been generated by the Office or obtained as a confidentiality by our clients and third parties.

All confidential information must be protected, unless disclosure by the holder has been authorized. All members of the Office must agree to maintain confidentiality, even after the end of the professional relationship.

The file of confidential information must be kept in a secure place and electronic media. The transfer of any file containing confidential information via electronic mail must be preceded by an authorization from the customer.



The Law Firm does not tolerate and will not tolerate any sponsorship, direct or indirect, of interests of any party that conflicts with our clients. All members of the Office are only authorized to perform any work for clients, or potential clients.

Any and all work to be performed by the members of the Firm must ensure ethics, and it is highly recommended that, in case of doubt regarding the lawfulness of the contracted object, before signing the fee contract, it must be analyzed jointly by the employees.

It is expressly forbidden for any member of the Firm to receive in their own name (directly or indirectly) remuneration for the provision of legal services, on behalf of the Firm or the professional, when for the purposes of judicial surveys carried out on behalf of the Firm.



All Office employees will receive written communication of this Code of Conduct, aiming at assimilating the policies defined herein.

This Code of Conduct will be permanently available on the Intranet, along with the other internal rules of the Office.



Any member of the Firm and Lawyers who becomes aware of the occurrence of a violation of this Code of Conduct must inform immediately and in good faith to the management of the firm.